Ukrainian Borscht

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (13 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Put the meat in cold, lightly salted water and cook until almost done.

Stew the beet, cut into not too large pieces, with vinegar (1) and the paradeis pulp in lard until soft.

Cut the carrot and the parsley root into thin strips, the onion into thin strips and brown them slightly.

Add the diced potatoes and the finely chopped cabbage with the bay leaf spice to the boiling beef broth and boil down for 20 minutes.

Add the steamed vegetables, the flour whisked with water, sugar and paprika. Season with salt, pepper and maybe a little vinegar (2).

Just before serving, chop the garlic cloves, bacon, parsley and dill and let them steep briefly in the soup.

Arrange the borscht and serve with sour cream.

Preparation Tip:

Use a bacon with a strong flavor - you will give this dish a special touch!

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