Stockfish Gröscht’l

Rating: 3.1111 / 5.00 (18 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Soak stockfish in plenty of cold water for several hours or overnight (changing the water several times if necessary). Place stockfish in fresh water, bring to a boil, lift out of water, remove bones and cut fish meat into small pieces. Boiled, peeled potatoes cut into flakes, finely chop onion and garlic. Heat oil and butter in a pan and fry first the onion, then the garlic until tender. Add the potatoes and roast on a slightly higher heat until they are brown on both sides. However, do not let the onions and garlic get too dark! Finally, fry the fish pieces for a few minutes. However, they must not fall apart. Season the Gröstl with salt and pepper, sprinkle with parsley and serve hot.

Preparation Tip:

If you stir some cream or crème fraîche into the Gröstl before serving, it becomes more delicate and the salty fish flavor recedes somewhat into the background.

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